Title: "The McDonald’s Queue as a Reflection of Life’s Journey: Exploring Shrishti, Sthiti, Samhara, and Purushartha through an Advaithic Lens"I Image Description: A thought-provoking illustration of a McDonald's outlet with a lively queue of customers waiting at the counter. The scene has a subtle overlay of four symbolic stages: Dharma (an orderly queue with customers respecting the line), Artha (a worker handing an order, representing prosperity), Kama (customers enjoying their food), and Moksha (a customer departing with a satisfied look). Above, a subtle cosmic design represents Shrishti (creation), Sthiti (sustenance), and Samhara (dissolution) with faint cycles and symbols that suggest the cycle of life and Advaitic philosophy. The whole image evokes the interconnectedness of life’s journey and spiritual pursuits within the everyday scene of a fast-food queue. In Advaita Vedanta, the cycle of Shrishti (creation), Sthiti (sustenance), and Samhara (dissol...
My name is Ashok Kizhepat I weave together stories where my ideas intertwine with the cadence of the generative transformer creating something that feels surreal and new