In the Star Wars universe, "The Force" operates across space and time, connecting all beings through an energy field that permeates every moment and place. Yet, not everyone is aware of its presence. Here, Avidya, or ignorance, mirrors this unawareness. In Advaita Vedanta, Avidya is the veil that obscures one's true nature, creating an illusion of separateness that binds beings to the cycle of life and death. This veil keeps individuals from perceiving the ultimate reality—Brahman, or universal oneness—just as beings unaware of the Force remain bound by their limited perceptions. Karma, or the principle of action, is another common thread. In both Star Wars and Vedanta, every action taken, every choice made, imprints on the cosmic fabric, carrying consequences that shape one’s future. For Jedi and Sith, the choices aligned with either the light or dark side echo across time, influencing not only personal destiny but also the balance of the universe. In Advaita...
My name is Ashok Kizhepat I weave together stories where my ideas intertwine with the cadence of the generative transformer creating something that feels surreal and new